Option GPS Drive Test MOSAIQ6 meter
With the GPS option, measurements can be displayed on a map at the very same spot where they were actually taken, thus facilitating coverage analysis.
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Ref. 596201
Unit 1 Units
tlv_reflog | M6-UP-GPS |
tlv_ean | 8424450193198 |
tlv_dim_product_x_label | Width |
tlv_dim_product_x_unit | Array |
tlv_dim_product_y_label | Height |
tlv_dim_product_y_unit | Array |
tlv_dim_product_z_label | Depth |
tlv_dim_product_z_unit | Array |
tlv_weight_product_label | Main product weight |
tlv_weight_product_unit | Array |
tlv_gross_weight_label | Gross weight |
tlv_gross_weight | 0 |
tlv_gross_weight_unit | g |
tlv_net_weight_label | Net weight |
tlv_net_weight_unit | g |
tlv_net_weight | 0 |
tlv_1_type_pack | Unit |
tlv_1_type_pcs_pack | Units |
tlv_1_pcs_pack | 1 |