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Combined HEX-11 wrench F connectors

Combined HEX-11 wrench F connectors

HEX-11 wrench F connectors

HEX-11 wrench F connectors

Compression tool for "F" and "IEC" types straight connectors

Metal tool for the installation of straight "F" and "CEI" types compression connectors. Thanks to its rotating and distance-adjustable head, it adapts to different types and lengths of connectors quickly and easily.
The tool incorporates a plastic and rubber finish in the gripping area that facilitates and improves its hold.
In addition, it includes a safety lock for proper storage.
Supplied in individual packing.

Ref. 216301
EAN13: 8424450192238

Compatibility of compression tools with Televes connectors:

Ref. 216301 216303 216304
3802 OK OK* X
3818 OK OK* X
3819 OK OK* X
4104 OK OK* OK*
4105 OK OK* X
4106 X X OK
410701 X OK OK*
410702 X OK OK*
410801 OK OK* X
410901 X OK X

OK Compatible
OK* Compatible, but there are better choices
X Incompatible

Physical data

Net weight: 320 g

Gross weight: 320 g

Width: 45 mm

Height: 142 mm

Depth: 21 mm

Main product weight: 320 g


Box 1 Units

More Information

Compatibility of compression tools with Televes connectors:

Ref. 216301 216303 216304
3802 OK OK* X
3818 OK OK* X
3819 OK OK* X
4104 OK OK* OK*
4105 OK OK* X
4106 X X OK
410701 X OK OK*
410702 X OK OK*
410801 OK OK* X
410901 X OK X

OK Compatible
OK* Compatible, but there are better choices
X Incompatible

tlv_reflog FIPW2000
tlv_ean 8424450192238
tlv_dim_product_x 45
tlv_dim_product_x_label Width
tlv_dim_product_x_unit mm
tlv_dim_product_y 142
tlv_dim_product_y_label Height
tlv_dim_product_y_unit mm
tlv_dim_product_z 21
tlv_dim_product_z_label Depth
tlv_dim_product_z_unit mm
tlv_weight_product_label Main product weight
tlv_weight_product 320
tlv_weight_product_unit g
tlv_gross_weight_label Gross weight
tlv_gross_weight 320
tlv_gross_weight_unit g
tlv_net_weight_label Net weight
tlv_net_weight_unit g
tlv_net_weight 320
tlv_1_type_pack Box
tlv_1_type_pcs_pack Units
tlv_1_pcs_pack 1

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