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Full Service Remote Management for LED Lightning Module (Annual fee for luminaire)

Full Service Remote Management for LED Lightning Module (Annual fee for luminaire)

Full Service Remote Management for LED Lightning Module (Annual fee for concentrator panel)

The first step towards your Smart City

Full Service Remote Managements is a cutting-edge concept of an integrated solution: IaaS, SaaS, support, maintenance and connectivity. The remote Management service offers complete control of the lighting network, without spending time on technical details.

Aurant Lighting module allows to manage the entire lighting network, in a practical and efficient way. Making the most of extensive infrastructures, with a minimum of dedication. It helps to control energy expenditure and reduce costs, adapting lighting to real needs, ensuring the well-being and safety of citizens.

Switchboard control is an optimal solution to reduce excess consumption with a low initial deployment. It provides extensive supervision of the operation of each line of luminaires, obtaining precise data from the electrical network. In addition, it can operate on complete lighting lines, controlling switching on and off.
A multifunction actuator and a concentrator panel are installed in the electrical switchboard, providing remote and bidirectional communication capability to the platform.

The Remote Management Full Service includes all the necessary elements to have the service: access to the platform, software license and updates (SaaS), specialized technical support, infrastructure in the Televes cloud (IaaS) and wireless connectivity over 2G/3G/4G for each concentrator panel
This service is offered on an annual contract per concentrator panel. Ensuring total flexibility, adapting the design to each type of project. It is possible to start with the implementation, from one line of luminaires to the whole city.

Ref. 694802
EAN13: 8424450246610
  • Increases savings: optimizes network efficiency with a minimum of change
  • Reduction in carbon footprint: by reducing light levels when they are not necessary, excess consumption is limited
  • Enhances the lighting service: increases the well-being and safety of citizens by adapting the lighting to their needs
  • Great network scalability: it can manage from a few light points to entire cities with thousands of luminaires
  • Wide compatibility: technology-neutral design offers the flexibility to manage, in addition to our own luminaires, those of other manufacturers
  • Optimizes maintenance: early identification of incidents allows maintenance routes to be planned, reducing time and costs
  • Commitment to responsible lighting: intelligent light control helps protect the night sky and biodiversity
  • Control map: check the whole inventory on the map with colour indicator according to the status of the luminaires
  • Simple group management: operate over plenty of luminaires in a single step, create and modify groups for different uses
  • Calendar scheduling: set up specific schedules according to the time of year, or lighting plans for specific dates
  • Alarm panel: monitors the status of the lighting network. Receive alerts in real time, check the incident history, define thresholds for each parameter…
  • Monitoring dashboard: synthesize and organize all the information in simplified graphs to analyze and ensure the tracking of your objectives
  • OTA (Over The Air) update: keep all devices updated remotely, without physically accessing each point

More Information
tlv_slogan The first step towards your Smart City
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